On Tuesday July 17, 2018, CaSP will be hosting a presentation by AAAS fellow Dr. Helena Chapman. She will be sharing her experience in transitioning from a research scientist and medical professional to her current position as a science policy fellow. The event will be held in the Park View Room (4th floor) at the Memorial Union from 4:30 PM. Directly after the event, CaSP will be hosting an ESEP Happy Hour at the Terrace.
Helena Chapman is currently a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in the Health and Air Quality Applications and Applied Sciences Program. Her work advances the use of earth observation data in advising policy makers on issues pertaining to air quality and public health. Dr. Chapman received her PhD and MPH from the University of Florida and her MD from Universidad Iberoamericana and was a Mirzayan Science and Technology Graduate Policy Fellow.