Letters to the editor are a core parts of many newspapers and periodicals and are a common method used by citizens to publicly voice their opinions regarding current events. However, for those who have no experience writing a letter to the editor, the task may appear daunting.We may be stuck asking questions such as: What does a good letter look like? What writing techniques should I use to best communicate my opinion in a short piece? Or, what increases the likelihood of my letter being published by a newspaper?
To help facilitate learning the best tips and tricks of letter writing, CaSP is hosting a workshop on writing a letter to the editor. The event will be held on December 11, 2017 at 4:00 PM (Microbial Sciences Building, Room 2511) and will feature three panelists who will demonstrate how to construct an effective letter, answer questions about the process of letter writing, and will provide direct assistance to attendees who want to construct their own letter on a topic of interest. In addition, CaSP will sponsor a letter competition, where attendees can submit their own letters for a chance to win an Amazon gift card. Become a better advocate for science and join us!
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