Policy Events on Campus — Fall 2016
Looking for science policy events this semester? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of a variety of science policy related talks, career development opportunities and outreach happening this semester on or around campus
Election Day!
Tuesday, November 8th at your local polling place
Make a difference and go vote! Information about registering to vote can be found here: https://vote.wisc.edu/ Information about where your polling place is and what’s on the ballot can be found here: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
Can’t wait? Watch the debate!
September 26, 2016 at 8:00pm— Marquee Cinema at Union South
Watch the first presidential debate with faculty affiliates of the Elections Research Center. Professors Barry Burden, David Canon, Kathy Cramer, and Mike Wagner will provide instant analysis and a discussion after the debate. Snacks will be provided, and a voter registration table will be set up at the door. https://elections.wisc.edu/events.html
ASM Student Elections
October 17, 8:00am – October 19, 5:00pm (Online)
Make a difference on campus and vote in the Associated Students of Madison election! See more information here: http://www.asm.wisc.edu/
Wisconsin Academy Jordahl Public Lands Lecture with Jonathan Jarvis
October 10th 7:00-8:00pm Shannon Hall, Memorial Union
The Wisconsin Academy sums this up best: “Join us for an evening with Jonathan Jarvis, the director of the National Park Service (NPS). Jarvis began his NPS career in 1976 as a seasonal interpreter in Washington DC. Today, Jarvis manages the very agency whose mission is to preserve America’s most treasured landscapes and cultural icons. His 39-year career has taken him from ranger to resource management specialist to park biologist to superintendent of parks such as Craters of the Moon, North Cascades, Wrangell-St. Elias, and Mount Rainier.” For more information: https://wisconsinacademy.org/evenings/jordahl-public-lands-lecture-jonathan-jarvis
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Their Risks — or Lack Thereof
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:00-12:00, 6201 Microbial Sciences Building
Dr. Rick Amasino (UW Biochemistry) and Dominique Brossard (UW Life Sciences Communications) will discuss their recent activities in understanding the science behind GMOs and the importance of clear communication and understanding on the part of industry and consumers. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. You may also join us by free webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4909269215918046723
Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present: The Future of Wisconsin Public Education
Tuesday, November 08, 20166-7:15 p.m, Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St.
This talk is part of Forward, a public lecture series that examines the University of Wisconsin’s relationship with the people of the state. This particular speaker many may find very relevant to the future of public education (but see the website for many other interesting speakers): Sara Goldrick-Rab is Professor of Higher Education Policy and Sociology at Temple University. A sociologist of higher education, Goldrick-Rab’s research focuses on policies that aim to reduce socioeconomic and racial inequalities. She received the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Early Career Award in 2014. http://www.wiscidea.com/index.htm
Neuroscience and Public Policy
(series throughout the year)
The Neuroscience & Public Policy Seminar serves as the focal point for connecting students’ training in neuroscience, public affairs and law. Special highlight on October 14, Alan Leshner, CEO emeritus of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general science society will be presenting. More details: http://npp.wisc.edu/seminar.htm
History of Science Seminar Series
Fridays, various times
The history of science has a variety of speakers speaking on subjects ranging from research ethics working with the dead to the global history of science, technology, and medicine. https://histsci.wisc.edu/department/events.php
Talks…with Beer!
Science on Tap: Minocqua
1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm at Minocqua Brewing Company
This semester come see talks on trees, GMO’s, and public education! Archived videos and livestreams available also! http://www.scienceontapminocqua.org/index.html
Nerd Nite!
Last Wednesday of the month, 8:00, High Noon Saloon
Come see energetic speakers give fun talks on their passions! Also a great environment for those of you interested in giving public talks. https://madison.nerdnite.com/
Career Development!
CaSP’s Research Administration Workshop
November 10th
Members of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs support and administer extramural funding sources, including research grants, to ensure funded programs comply with funding requirements and achieve their aims. Learn how panelists found careers in research administration, and how their work affects your science!
CaSP’s Program Evaluation Workshop
December 5th
Program Evaluation is a methods toolkit for analyzing whether a project or program is efficient and effective. Applications include both administering research grants, on the one hand, and using scientific data to evaluate government initiatives, such as clean energy programs or commercial regulation, on the other. Speaker: http://www.lafollette.wisc.edu/faculty-staff/faculty/hilary-shager
The Morgridge Public Service Fair
September 27th, 3:00-6:00pm at Union South
The events provide students the opportunity to connect with local, state and national nonprofit agencies. Students can chat with people from these organizations to find volunteer opportunities, jobs and internships that match their interests, major, and career goals. http://morgridge.wisc.edu/events-public-service-fairs
Fall Government Careers Workshop Series
October 14th, October 21st, November 4th, Union South
Three different workshops giving basic information on finding jobs and internships in Federal government, in the state government, and making a resume for these jobs. https://union.wisc.edu/events-and-activities/event-calendar/event/the-fall-government-careers-workshop-series
Wisconsin Science Festival
October 20 – 23rd, Multiple locations on and off campus
This incredible statewide event brings together a huge variety of scientists with a broad audience with some very fun interactions to engage the public. See the website for the full schedule of events: https://www.wisconsinsciencefest.org/
Come volunteer with CaSP on Saturday, October 22nd and help welcome the public to the world of science!
Expanding Your Horizons
November 19th
For over 50 years, the Expanding Your Horizons conference has helped young women in grades 6-8 learn more about careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields. EYH invites you to join them as a presenter and role model at this conference. If you are interested, see http://eyh.wisc.edu/ for details and contact EYH by October 9th about presenting at this fun and enriching event!
Many other science outreach opportunities are available on campus! See here for more events throughout the year: http://www.science.wisc.edu/index.htm
Have a great science policy filled semester!