This fall semester, Catalysts for Science Policy (CaSP) will be having four events to help graduate students learn what science policy is, how it affects them, why they should care, and how they can get involved.
September 9th, we’ll have a panel discussion featuring four individuals with experience taking science outside the lab: through government work, academic advocacy, community outreach, and science journalism.
October 13th, we’ll be screening the documentary “Fixed: the Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement,” which asks the question: if current biotechnology can already make some disabled people more capable than “normal” humans, how do we decide who gets access to these “upgrades,” if we should be using them at all?
November 11th, a current UW graduate student will discuss his time interning with the US EPA in Washington DC, and share resources on how to find and apply for federal internships.
And on December 11th, join us to kick back and relax with a Holiday Happy Hour!
Here on the blog we’ll be exploring current issues in science policy over the course of the semester, so stay tuned, and see you soon.